Its Saturday evening and I'm sitting cosied up in front of a lovely roaring log fire. Stephen is now in the air en-route back to Blighty for a week long visit, so I'm going to grab a book (I have restocked!) and stick on my ipod and have a relaxing night with my feet up. It was a busy day... Stephen omitted to tell me that he needed jeans and jumpers washed for his trip until this morning, so I've spent most of the day running up and down four storeys cycling them through the washer and dryer. The jumper was his thickest, cosiest jumper and took flaming hours to dry!!! Hours of running up and down stairs.... anyway, if it keeps my little sweetie cosy then it was worth it (sounds good doesn't it - if only I truly believed!)
And all this running about whilst being a sleepy girl...we didn't get to bed until 2am last night, so I wasn't feeling my perkiest this morning! Must stop burning the candle at both definitely caught up with me today! All these late nights are obviously taking their toll...Tim from the office thought I was 45!! Must buy a more heavy duty wrinkle cream...or perhaps polyfiller! Mind you he is around 12, and probably anyone over 30 is unspeakably ancient to him!!
Amanda and Owen (the previous Ops Director and her hubby) were passing through Washington yesterday, so we met up with them, along with Dawn, Paul and Paul. We had dinner in Chadwicks, then drinks in O'Connells. Amanda, Owen and Dawn headed off at this point and the rest of us headed to 219 King (the Weekend Office) for drinks and jazz. The band were pretty good - a little more avant garde than usual perhaps, but that didn't stop us staying til gone midnight! Stephen was taking a ribbing for his choice of weak and watery girlyman lager, so Paul B thrust his fresh glass at Stephen and said "Try that". Stephen tried it, screwed up his face and commented on its horrid taste... "Its real mans beer" was the confident response...until Paul tried it, screwed up his face and pronounced it to have a horrid taste!!! Turns outs that it was whatever the beer equivalent of corked is. Stephen was allowed his five minutes of gloating!
There was much hilarity, especially when I mentioned Tim's little faux pas over my age. Paul B look aghast and said "and he's still alive?" and Paul W jumped in with "yes, but he's passing his teeth tomorrow". I think I added a few laughter lines to my tally over the evening!!
Stephen decided that he was going to have another beer when we got home, which seemed like a good idea, but it meant that we were cosied in on the sofa, chatting away, not noticing how late it was! It was nearly 2am before we really noticed the time. Oops!! I can feel another wrinkle forming....
Tim got to check out my wrinkles close up on Wednesday night. We bought tickets to see the Dancing with the Stars live show. Its the US equivalent of Strictly Come Dancing, and y'all know how much I loved that show!! I've only seen one series of DWTS, so a lot of the celebrities listed as being on the tour were people I'd never heard of. In the end it didn't matter, as only about 4 celebrities appeared! They must rotate them round to accommodate schedules. We got to see Marie Osmond, Joey Lawrence (no, I hadn't heard of him either, but he was quite buff!) and Drew Lachey (who is Jessica Simpson's ex-husbands brother). Wayne Newton "Mr Las Vegas" was singing. He was dancing on the series I saw. He's about 65 and was not the greatest dancer....turns out that he's no longer the greatest singer either!!!! It was kinda painful to listen too, but that didn't stop one of the fans seated around the dancefloor from playing tonsil tennis with him when he was making his way round the audience!!! Eeeeeuuuuuuuugghhhhhhhhhh!
Aside from the bad singing and the snogging, the show was really good! Jude, Tim and I all really enjoyed it. I only wish I could shake my tailfeathers in such an way! Perhaps I can persuade Stephen to take lessons with me.....Oh look, is that a pig I see flying past....!! After the show Jude and I walked around trying to find a taxi to take us back to the office where we were parked. It was the coldest 20 minutes I've experienced in a while! It was a really warm day when I left the house in the morning - warm enough that I thought a big coat would be stifling, and that my wool jacket would be plenty warm enough. By the time we got out after the show it was flippin' freezing!! And not a taxi in sight! We walked to a road we could see taxis on, and despite them having lights on, not one was available. We were getting nearer to a hotel, and at the point when I was going to get them to order one for us, a taxi drew up who was dropping someone off. We were exceedingly glad to see him!! Stephen had been at a dinner in a restaurant in the building next to the office, so I called him to see if he wanted a lift home. Turns out he was still at the bar with Paul W, so they ordered me a drink whilst I escorted Jude back down to her car, then I popped up to join them. Another late night! Another wrinkle!!
It gave me a chance to get my hands on a package that was delivered by diplomatic courier, so to speak! It was Embassy people that Stephen and Paul had been having dinner with. I get on really well with the Embassy chaps PA, and when I spoke to her earlier in the day she was munching on Cadburys Mini we had a good old reminisce about British chocolate and how fantastic it was. The sweetheart had then parcelled me up half a dozen little eggs and sent them over with her boss!!!
It is Superbowl Sunday tomorrow and the whole of America is going to be at a party watching it. Rudy is throwing a party and invited the office, but it seems to be only the guys who are going, and as Stephen is away I didn't really fancy it. I'm not overly fussed about watching football, (although the adverts are supposed to be something) and the half time show is Tom Petty and the everyone is praying there are NO "Wardrobe Malfunctions" this year!!! The Paul's were trying to persuade me to go...using the following highly persuasive arguements: 1) they would give me a lift (in the trunk of Paul's 2 seater) 2) they needed a waitress to get them drinks so they wouldn't miss a minute of the game or the adverts 3) scrap number 1 - actually I could drive....Needless to say, I managed to resist their tempting offers!!!! Rudy was standing listening to this in slack-jawed amazement! I think he was fully expecting me to thump them instead of making a joke!! Obviously our British sense of humour is sometimes truly unfathomable...