Tuesday, 8 March 2011

What time is it? Geesh I need a coffee to wake me up...

The coffee capsules that I order for our whizzy machine arrived today. Considering it was free 72 hour delivery and I only ordered them on Sunday afternoon I was very pleased with the great service. I was slightly less pleased that they chose to deliver them at 07:15 this morning though!! I suppose them phoning us to say they were outside was better than taking them to some impossible to find depot in the middle of nowhere (or Kidderminster) and making us come and get them. But still....07:15....CRUELLY EARLY!!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

I'm feeling better!

YAY! I'm finally feeling almost human...and that is saying a lot considering how I've been feeling the past few days. My shoulder is still hurting - but that is the least of the problems. My blood tests came back clear too, so we're all good. Well, good in that they're normal, but not good in that my spots and spouting facial hair isn't explained away by me having PCOS. I guess I'm just hairy and spotty!! I'll just have to embrace it and turn the epilator to "turbo"!

I was back at the doctors office this morning for that most dreaded of appointments. Nothing about this appointment is good. The preparation we do is stringent. The waiting is stressful. The exam is uncomfortable. There is something quite distrubing about having a woman with a torch peering up your...yes well. It wasn't fun! I hope she appreciated the new lingerie! But maybe the stick on crystal decorations were a bit too much... "Give 'em the ol' vajazzle dazzle...vajazzle dazzle 'em"...!!!

Okay, so I didn't...but vajazzling is apparantly a growing trend. Not sure it'll catch on round here too soon though. If I start finding crystals on the floor of the ladies in work I'll know I've been proved wrong!!

I was wrong about fish pedicures. I remember watching Ugly Betty years ago and thinking "Yeough, that'll never catch on" and now you can go dunk your feet into a tank of fish and have them nibble off the dead skin in the middle of the shopping malls of Glasgow. (Malvern may take a while to catch up!) I was looking at this and thinking "not for me" - I don't think I'd like the sensation of them nibbling my tootsies, and it did cross my mind that it may not be terribly hygenic -  but then I am a little bit OCD!! Now I see that health experts have raised the possibility of infections being spread, and yet others point out that its a widely used technique in the Far East - I wonder who is right and how long it'll be before I'm paying a pound a minute to stick my feet in a fish tank!  (Have just checked Wikipedia and found out that the first place to offer fish pedicures in the US was Alexandria, VA in 2008! I wonder where? I was totally unaware of that when we lived there!)