Friday, 27 July 2007

Retail therapy!

So, it didn't quite take 5 was only 3 1/2 hours! But finally we have insurance for the car! I got the first phone call from AIG at 09:00 this morning, and sent the final e-mail at about 12:30. To be honest it wasn't just the insurance I was sorting out - more the whole car delivery thing!!

We wanted to pick the car up on Saturday, but the lady from the dealership said no. It had to be Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm. As the car has been delivered to a dealership in Falls Church (which isn't exactly the dealership down the road) this is something of an issue. Stephen is busy all of next week, and the week after he's in California...if we don't pick it up this weekend then we can't really pick it up for 3 weeks. When Stephen spoke to her, the lady in the dealership basically said "that's your problem". So he phoned me. And I phoned the lady whom we've been dealing with at International Autosource to lease the car, and she phoned the dealership, who phoned Stephen back (are you following this?). Finally a compromise was reached - Stephen will collect the car tomorrow (Friday) when he gets off the flight home. Not ideal, but at least we'll have the car.

Of course this meant I had to phone back the insurance company to change the commencement date for the policy. Then the dealership lady wanted copied of various documents which I had to e-mail to her. Now I think it's all done. Stephen just has to make sure the plane is on time, rush through immigration and customs, find a taxi, get to the dealership, collect the car, overcome jet lag and drive home....

Anyway, in the middle of all this madness (at one point both home and cell phones were in use!) Morag called to see if I wanted to go out for lunch with her and the girls (and I mean children here). I was really happy to escape!!! I got changed (twice - my face powder erupted all over the first outfit when I opened it!) and eagerly leapt into the car when it pulled up. Morag picked up a rather stressed out Kerry, and delivered back a rather more chilled one!!! It's amazing what a nice lunch in Nordstroms and some retail therapy can do for a girl!! I didn't go too mad - the cards haven't melted yet! We had a really fantastic afternoon, the kids were so well behaved and we got some really nice things! We treated ourselves to a wee glass of wine when we got back to my house (I'm having another one now!) and Simon popped in too. We have also sent Stephen a shopping list for the airport tomorrow....Heat, OK, dairy milk, extra strong mints...all of lifes essentials!!

In amongst all the phone calls today I had one which nearly caused me to keel over! Any conversation which begins "Kerry Spark? This is the Virginia State Police...." is fairly heart attack inducing! I was frantically trying to think of any felonies I might have committed when he continued "I am collecting to send teddy bears to underprivileged children in the state of Virginia"...I was so relived that I wasn't about to be carted off to jail that I agreed to give them $20!!!! Besides I thought it was politic to agree....they give you a decal for the car, so if ever I'm stopped after a high speed chase down the beltway after I've ram raided Nordstroms shoe department then they might look favourably on the fact I've coughed up for their charity!!

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