The past couple of days leading up to this haven't been entirely incident and irritation free. I picked up a really nice photographic print at the Torpedo Factory whilst we were out and about on Saturday and dropped it in for framing at the store across from the office yesterday afternoon. They wanted to charge me a fortune for framing it, so I made some "oh, crikey that's expensive" noises, thrust the twins at the guy behind the desk and got a 25% discount. I knew the twins were good for something!! He promised faithfully to have it ready for first thing this morning...he lied! I wandered over about 10am and it wasn't ready. Time to panic? Not quite. I was told to come back in 20 minutes and it would be ready. Thankfully this time it was!
Lunch was no less fraught. We had agreed to go to the Thai restaurant for lunch, but I was faced with a mini-rebellion from the finance end of the office. It basically boiled down to Ted's or they wouldn't come as they didn't like Thai.... Rather than have 1/4 of the office not attend I spoke to Pat about changing the venue (but, of course didn't say why). As it turned out he was happy to go to Ted's, but it still rankled with me rather... If its not your party, surely you don't dictate... you turn up, eat the food (even if you don't like it), and make conversation... I'm sure they didn't think of it that way, more likely they felt they were just stating a preference as to venue.
Joni phoned Ted's and made a reservation. We had to go at 11:45 (which is practically breakfast) in order for them to accommodate us. We duly turned up just before the allotted time, and I went to speak to the hostess only to be told that they didn't have a reservation. When I told her that we had made one with the manager that morning, she told me that we couldn't have as they didn't take reservations for the same day.
Oh deary dear. This was not good. For her. She had just pushed me firmly over the edge from being mildly irritated to thoroughly pissed off. Apparently people could tell that I wasn't happy when I pulled myself up to my full 5 feet and squared my shoulders. She was a little twig. I reckon that I could easily have taken her... "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Smackdown. Tonight's main event, by way of 3 falls or a submission..." Kickass Kerry was narked.... The manager appeared around this time (probably alerted by the gurgling noise coming from his hostess as I wrapped my hands around her throat) and began to sort it out. But as the hostess had given away our grouping of tables, the best they could do was 3 tables near one another.... Oh deary, deary dear...
As it turned out the tables were fine. Not great. But fine. We then had to deal with the girls sitting on one table, and the boys on the other...but sometimes you have to let things ride! I let it go.
Jude and I had a really nice chat anyway. Pat and Jude have been rushing around trying to see all the things that they hadn't managed to see during their time here. Yesterday was Mt Vernon. Today Jude was off to hit the shops (and empty them) in a last spending spree. There was a pair of shoes she was particularly coveting...that's my girl! When I leave here it will be with a credit card in one hand and a pair of Manolos in the other...

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