After dropping off the stuff and having a reviving cuppa we headed over to Channings hotel so they could show us the venue for the wedding reception. It was lovely! We're now vying to see who can book the master suite for the night of the wedding. I suppose I should let them have it, but it did look fab in the brochure....
After a drink in the bar, where Chad and I discussed some classy American elements we could bring to the wedding such as a keg stand (where you grab the handles of a keg, are hoisted upside down by your mates, and drink as much beer as you can from the tap), we walked along to Comely Bank to an Italian restaurant to meet Dad and Joan for dinner, then on for a drink in a nearby bar. Everyone was in good form! Dad and Stephen were reminiscing about our wedding when Dad played and sang the 30 minute extended slightly off-key version of Wonderful Tonight...Everyone was laughing at the comedy double act, although I thought I could detect a slightly nervous element to Eve and Chad's laughter! I have promised to frisk everyone for musical instruments and wrestle any microphone away from anyone who looks like they might be about to break into song.

l-r: Stephen, Joan, Dad, Chad, Eve and me
On Monday Stephen and I wandered about Princes Street whilst Eve went to an appointment. We popped into a first floor Starbucks with the most fantastic view across to the Castle. I had to smile when Stephen came back with coffee and cake - only in Starbucks in Edinburgh would they give you a fork to eat your cake with. We are SO refined!! (In my best Jean Brodie voice.)
We met up with Eve at lunchtime and popped into a bar in Rose Street for lunch. Stephen and I both had a cheese ploughmans sandwich (working through the list of foods you don't get in the US!) which came with an amazing amount of watercress on it. I scraped most of it off, and it was the equivalent of a healthy side salad! The downside of Milne's Bar was the crowd of young guys who came in. They had cases so I assume that they were at the end of a stag weekend. They were loud, they were using their cases as curling stones and rolling them across the floor, they were nearly stabbed to death with a fork by an increasingly grumpy short Scottish woman....
Stephen went off to look at guitars and take photos of the castle whilst Eve and I went shopping. We went to Jenners (I LOVE that store) and I tried on a couple of TCU's...and it must be a certain (non M&S) brand that has the type that tries to hide one under each armpit as again, I looked down and the Twins had disappeared!! So I need everyone to keep shopping M&S in order to bolster their sales. If they are the only store to make undies to suit me I can't have them going bust (pardon the pun!).
After shopping we met Stephen, went for coffee, helped Eve choose a wireless router and hit the Dome for a drink before dinner. They have their Christmas decor up and it was blinding! I have never seen so many fairy lights in one place!! We sat down to some serious wedding planning, and hopefully we gave Eve some good ideas.
We all went to a tapas restaurant for dinner. They did Tapas for a Tenner - all you could eat for ten quid. Bargain! We left it to the waiter to decide what we were having and we must have looked hungry....he brought round after round of delicious food. I was so stuffed I could barely move!
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