Monday, 30 March 2009
Phew! It's been busy...
Wednesday: Panic set in. Spent time sorting "stuff". Rental furniture picked up. Went to work. Came home and sorted more "stuff".
Thursday: Packers arrived. Had to halve air shipment. Retrieved shoes/jackets/kitchen roll from ground freight boxes. Checked into hotel. Went to leaving party. Went for drinks.
Friday: Woke up with hangover. Back to house to meet packers. Stuff loaded onto truck. Stephen returned car and picked up rental car. Lunch with Morag. Began cleaning. Stephen returned comcast equipment and went back to car dealer to pick up the stuff he'd left in the car. Dropped some stuff off with British couple recently moved here. Back to hotel. Dinner (fab!). Met the newlyweds for drinks. Back to hotel totally exhausted.
Saturday: Back to house to finish cleaning. Got grumpy coz tired and hungry. Dropped boxes of stuff off with the newlyweds. Went to Le Madelaine for lunch. Back to house for more cleaning. Valet parking chaos at the hotel. Car park gridlocked. Big delays getting car back. Down to Morag and Simon's for dinner. Back to hotel exhausted.
Sunday: Brunch at the hotel. Back to house for final clear out of remaining stuff. Said goodbye to neighbours. Walked round Old Town. Had last ice cream in Pop's. Went to Rudy & Carol's for show and tell of 3,500 holiday photos. Dropped BBQ gas canisters off at Lowes. Back to hotel. Taxi to O'Connells to meet Morag & Simon for drinks and dinner...and more drinks...Farewells. Tears.
Monday: Woke up with hangover. Had coffee. Down to house for final handover of keys. Off to bank to move money to the UK. Into work. Final goodbyes. Tears. Back to bank to pay in cheque and bags of change. Back to hotel. Repack luggage to try and get it down below 42 pieces.
So there you have a nutshell...what's been going on for the past few days. We're both pretty exhausted now. We don't seem to get a full nights sleep at the moment. Someone called Stephen's UK cell phone at 05:30 this morning and woke us both, and once my sleep is disturbed I find it difficult to get back into a good sleep. He had better switch it off tonight....
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Wedding Bells
The Brits are leaving - its time to Par-tay

Saturday, 28 March 2009
Clean me up Scotty
We've spent the past two days in a flurry of activity - Stephen has been running around returning the comcast equipment and the car and I've been doing "Scottish Calvinist Cleaning" in preparation for the final walk through on Monday. We figured it wouldn't take too long once the place was took longer than expected (it was a big house!) and was flipping hard work - especially as I was doing detail cleaning. The place is gleaming! Certainly cleaner than when we moved in. Much elbow grease was expended. Kim and Aggie would be proud!
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Where's the kitchen roll?
What is it with these guys and packing my kitchen roll?? It was beautifully packed (wrapped in paper and everything) on the way out from the UK too. I was laughing when I retrieved it from the box!
Time to PANIC!!!!
Corts came to remove the rental furniture yesterday and the packers have begun to pack our stuff today. Its going to take them 2 days to pack us all, and due to changes in what we're taking back air freight (namely Stephen's golf clubs) I've just had to go through my clothes and shoes and down select the stuff I can live without for a few extra weeks. How can you ask me (Imelda Marcos of Old Town) to down select shoes???!!
Los Tios
Monday, 23 March 2009
"Can I book a table for tonight please?" I said in my best AmeriScots accent
"Okay. How many?"
"NO! Seven"
"Okay. Seven. What time?"
"Seven pm"
"Six pm"
"NO! Seven pm"
"What' your name?"
Oh God. You can imagine the fun we had with that? Kerry is not a common name over here, nor in Mexico it would seem....
We got there eventually - although I worry that we're going to arrive there and find I've booked a table for 13 at 9pm a week on Tuesday....
I am going to miss confusing the heck out of folks with my accent. Only one week to go...better ramp up the use of arcane Scottish/British words and phrases which have no meaning here. Fortnight is a good one. Whereas we acknowledge it means 14 days, in the US its a phrase used mainly in fairly tales and has no sense of actual duration. If you say that you'll send something in a fortnight then they wouldn't be sure when they'd get it, but it wouldn't surprise them if it arrived in a coach and horses!!
Half past when telling the time also is the source of great confusion! I made the mistake of saying something was scheduled for half past four when I first started in the office. There was a look of utter confusion on the face of the person I spoke to and he asked "Does that mean three thirty?".
Of course there is the reverse aspects to this cross-cultural contamination...I now litter American phrases fact I sometimes have problems remembering what the British words are for things. There may have to be some re-education when I get home. And if I use "like" in conversation (as in: "it was like totally awesome") please feel free to kick my ass!!
Don't worry 'bout a thing...coz every little thing's gonna be alright
Okay, so perhaps we weren't entirely focused on the move, but we had a nice time! I did actually manage to get a fair amount of sorting out done in between the fun stuff... I've sorted out what we need to get rid of and have been busy distributing bedding, lamps, patio furniture and the contents of the food cupboards to people today. There are a few bags of toiletries to go into work too. When I said I had a few bottles I imagine they thought I meant hooch, and not body lotion. They are going to be disappointed!!
I still need to sort out what we need to take with us and what is going air freight. Time to drag the cases out of the cupboard... Everything else can be packed and if needs be I'll sort it out when we get it in the UK. Why worry?
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Just over a week to go...The Countdown begins!

Spot the family resemblance!
I see now what Kristen meant when she said to Paul
"There's a guy over here who looks just like your Dad".
l-r: John, Moira, Stephen and Jim
I was unable by this point to do late nights and early mornings...
in fact to be accurate I was unable to do late nights OR early mornings!!
We are being packed and shipped next week, so I need to sort out our worldly goods into what we're packing and taking with us on the plane (clothes and shoes), what we're sending air freight (clothes and shoes) and what we're sending sea freight (everything else). I also need to clear out the cupboards and dispose of the electrical goods....there is a lot to do and my to do lists keep getting longer as I think of other things to add. Gulp! I'm sure it'll all come together in time.
We've had a couple of hiccups though...I did an e-mail to all the relocation people involved in the move yesterday saying "Here's what I think is happening when" because I hadn't heard from the packing/shipping people in a while. I immediately got an e-mail and a phone call from them because they had us slated to pack on Monday. I had ALWAYS said Thursday/Friday. The girl was like "well if we pack you on Monday we'll get it on a ship on the 30th. If we pack you on Thursday/Friday it'll be the 13th April before we can get it on a ship". That's a shame, but I do not have time to get everything sorted out by Monday!!!! It does mean that I need to make a quick re-assessment of what we put in the ground shipment as we won't get it until mid-June.
We had a handyman come round yesterday afternoon to do a quick repair of the shelf in the closet. It had been groaning under the weight of my handbags... We had to move all my clothes off the rail and my shoes out from underneath in case he wanted to drill. The shoes made a very satisfying pile!!!!

The shoes....
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Walking the Mall
We have a bit of a houseful at the moment! We've got Jim and Moira plus Stephen's mum, his brother John and niece Leanne. I'm so thankful to have our own bathroom on the top floor as I'm sure the queues for the guest bathrooms are like Disney!! What I don't see I don't worry about has complained too much yet! Although John, June and Leanne only arrived yesterday so I guess we haven't fully pushed the capacity yet!
We've spent a couple of days at the Mall (the National one, not the shopping one!) since we got back from our holiday. There were a few museums we hadn't been to yet, so we've ticked those off now. The American History museum just re-opened last November after being closed for a couple of years so we have spent a fair bit of time in that. They have a really well done exhibit of the original "Star Spangled Banner" - the American flag hoisted after the Battle of Baltimore where it was spotted through the "dawn's early light". It was very moving. (What I mean is that I was welling up again! Especially as they had a montage of versions of the Star Spangled Banner playing in the background. Maybe its my age...)
We were back again today as we met up with John, June and Leanne. Stephen and I went to the Lincoln exhibit which we'd missed the other day. As we were leaving one of the employees had asked if we had heard of the discovery that the Smithsonian had made a couple of days before. As we had barely switched on a TV for 10 days we hadn't. Apparently Lincoln's watch was being repaired and the watchmaker had engraved something inside the watch. President Lincoln never knew it was there, but it was a legend within the watchmakers family. One of them contacted the Smithsonian very recently and told them, and when they opened the back lo and behold it was there as described. The watch was on display along with other artifacts so we stopped by the exhibit to see it.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Sedona photos
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Time change
Back to where we started
From there we drove to the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert - a drive-through National Park! There were a couple of stopping off points which were worth a quick look. The petrified logs were interesting. Silica had seeped into the logs and turned them to stone. There were beautiful colours of quartz in the logs. The painted desert may have been more interesting if we'd seen it first! It was a bit of a let down after the wonders we had seen. Towards the end of the 28 mile loop it was a "drive-through at speed" National Park!!
It was then a long drive back to ABQ and a final re-pack of the cases before heading over to the Elephant Bar and a last couple of margaritas. We returned the car the following morning 1400 miles worse for wear. A grand journey!
Onward to Sedona
Our B&B in Sedona (or Sonoma/Samosa as Stephen kept calling it!) was lovely. It was only a short walk into town and had stunning views of the mountains. We headed off to Red Rock Loop and Oak Creek Crossing - the most photographed spots in town - certainly by us!! The scenery was stunning!
We walked along and had dinner in the Silver Saddle - the posh bit of the Cowboy Club where John Wayne and other movie stars used to hang out. There were around 80 films shot in Sedona. I guess the rock formations are reminiscent of Monument Valley, just with more water. Oak Creek Crossing is famous from many movies where the cowboys splash across the creek on horseback.