Spot the family resemblance!
I see now what Kristen meant when she said to Paul
"There's a guy over here who looks just like your Dad".
l-r: John, Moira, Stephen and Jim
I was unable by this point to do late nights and early mornings...
in fact to be accurate I was unable to do late nights OR early mornings!!
We are being packed and shipped next week, so I need to sort out our worldly goods into what we're packing and taking with us on the plane (clothes and shoes), what we're sending air freight (clothes and shoes) and what we're sending sea freight (everything else). I also need to clear out the cupboards and dispose of the electrical goods....there is a lot to do and my to do lists keep getting longer as I think of other things to add. Gulp! I'm sure it'll all come together in time.
We've had a couple of hiccups though...I did an e-mail to all the relocation people involved in the move yesterday saying "Here's what I think is happening when" because I hadn't heard from the packing/shipping people in a while. I immediately got an e-mail and a phone call from them because they had us slated to pack on Monday. I had ALWAYS said Thursday/Friday. The girl was like "well if we pack you on Monday we'll get it on a ship on the 30th. If we pack you on Thursday/Friday it'll be the 13th April before we can get it on a ship". That's a shame, but I do not have time to get everything sorted out by Monday!!!! It does mean that I need to make a quick re-assessment of what we put in the ground shipment as we won't get it until mid-June.
We had a handyman come round yesterday afternoon to do a quick repair of the shelf in the closet. It had been groaning under the weight of my handbags... We had to move all my clothes off the rail and my shoes out from underneath in case he wanted to drill. The shoes made a very satisfying pile!!!!

The shoes....
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