Stephen came by and dropped off the two coffees, then went back for the rest....a coke and a toastie for him. Wait a minute...something was missing! He'd only gone and forgotten to get my muffin, the swine!! The line was huge so there wasn't even any point in sending him back to get me one.
I was FORCED to go shoe shopping to get over my disappointment. I got some really cute pair of leopard print ballet pumps, one pair of bronze pumps and one pair of gorgeous high-heeled brogues with a very 20's vibe which I thought would go just marvellouslywith my collection of golfing jumpers.
Oh, they are SO cute!! My newest additions to the collection...
He did go above and beyond the call of duty later on. The weather had been very changeable - sunny one minute, pouring with rain the next - and we had decided during a sunny moment to get the grill on. Of course, by the time we actually came to fire it up it was absolutely pouring with rain. The little superstar actually manfully grabbed an umbrella and went outside to grill dinner anyway. The brave little soldier.... he was getting rather wet, but he didn't complain...much! Only at the lack of beer being ferried out to him.... but there was no way I was getting soaked too!!

It's raining, it's pouring...but Stephen is still out there flipping burgers!
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