When we were out for dinner last weekend Stephen had been talking about his ever-improving prowess with Photoshop and said, in his usual gallant way, he could make me look 10 years younger with a few waves of his mouse. There was a ripple of "I can't believe he said that - and she hasn't killed him" then, as our friends are much more gallant and polite that Stephen (I think he may have been dragged up during his formative years) they all insisted that there would be no need to make me look 10 years younger. In fact to do so would be impossible as I would revert back to looking like a mere infant...etc etc
Anyway - it turns out that he was correct. He CAN make me look 10 years younger....


Its bloody scary! I didn't realise my crows feet were so bad until my face was larger than life size on screen with every wrinkle and pore magnified. Time for botox!!!
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