Champagne is essential when tree decorating!
Well OF COURSE I couldn't wait until morning to decorate the tree!! We pulled the furniture out the way, dragged the tree in from the garage and wrestled it into the tree stand. Then we cut off the netting and stood back as it filled the sitting room with branches. How come it didn't look that huge when we were looking at it at the Farm?
We had to get our US decorations from the garage and our UK decorations down from the loft. Which was something of a minor trauma as I don't do ladders...Stephen climbed up to get the boxes out, then tried to drop them down to me, which meant that I had to climb up the ladder to get them. Okay, so it was only a couple of rungs, but I REALLY don't do ladders, so my knees were knocking! Then, having got everything I needed, I had to untangle the giant ball of fairly lights and put it all on the tree. Three hours and a noticeable denuding of enthusiasm later I was done. It looks lovely!
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