Tuesday, 1 June 2010

An unusual gateau topping

I've just watched a cookery programme and it triggered a holiday memory I forgot to share!

Rendezvous has two restaurants. One is the Trysting Place a la carte and the other is the Terrace which is buffet. Stephen and I were choosing food from the buffet when I ended up behind a young lady holding a dessert plate with a slice of rather delicious gateau on it. Nothing unusual about that you may say....except she was piling vegetables onto the plate as well. Then she got a slice of nicely rare beef wellington. And then...she spooned on horseradish sauce....!!!! Eurgh! Most people would pair cream with a gateau!!

All of that one one teeny little plate....horseradish and gateau and beef wellington and carrots!!!! I suppose it all goes down the same way, but a little separation (separate plates, or even separate courses!) might make it more pleasant!

She did the same the next night too. I began to wonder if this was some new diet fad... Or did she think this was Sizzlers where you are only allowed one pass at the buffet??

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