Monday, 26 July 2010

A dilemma

Oh, what to do? What to do?

We're thinking about re-modelling the bathroom, and we went bath shopping on Saturday. It was our first look round and certainly gave us food for thought and a major dilemma...

The bath we currently have is huge. Its not so much a bath as a small lake. I swim lengths in it each morning. Consequently, when I try and recline in it I shoot down the bath at high speed. Not the most relaxing thing in the world! I found out there was a term for the problem on Saturday - submarining. As a regular submariner I was really hoping that there would be a smaller, better bath out there for me. And there is!

I was encouraged to get my shoes off and climb into each tub for a dry-run. And I found it. The perfect bath! It was a slipper bath. I could lie back in it and my feet very nearly touched the end! No more submarining, LOTS more relaxing!! However, thinking ahead for potential re-sale problems if we ever want to move house..if it fits me perfectly (and I am 5ft nothing), then its not going to fit folks of a more regular height very well! They'd have their knees round their ears and that wouldn't be relaxing for them would it?

Oh, what to do? What to do?

The perfect Kerry-sized bath

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