Monday, 18 October 2010

Its a jungle out there

I took a couple of days off last week to take advantage of the rather lovely weather and hack back my jungle of a garden. OMG it really needed a hacking too! I filled 10 sacks with weeds and plants which had self-seeded all over the place. Then there was the pruning pile which was pretty big too...many shrub branches were hacked off...and many more need to be hacked off - but that is maybe a job for the Spring. I'm not sure I have any more energy for it at the moment! I was pretty much hanging off the loppers which were stuck halfway through a branch, squeezing together with all my might and thinking "People pay good money to go to the gym to do this exercise" and "I hope Stephen gets home soon, because I can't get these to cut through, or come out the branch again".

In a fit of extreme enthusiasm I also edged the lawn and stripped the turf back. This was proper Charlie Dimmock gardening!! I tell you I was a wreck by the end of Day 1 and barely able to move by the end of Day 2!! It is looking loads better now though - almost like a garden rather than a jungle.

My little garden helper. Everytime I dug somewhere my little robin would appear. 

Before... I haven't taken a photo of after yet - too tired!

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