It amazing how time flies when your busy, mildly depressed due to the onset of winter dampness and gloomy dreich days, tired at night and very easily distracted. No posts for nearly a month...oops!
I'm sitting here on Saturday afternoon. Its about 3pm and its dark. Its not raining, but it is damp and very overcast. I really, really dislike this time of year in the UK. The dampness has begun...we've got about 6 months of this to look forward to. Urgh. Give me the frosty, blue-sky days any day!! We had a couple of those at the beginning of the week. It was -3C when I left the house on Monday morning and I had to scrape the car. A task that was made slightly more difficult by the fact that all the car doors had frozen shut and I only had a tiny amount of the trunk of the car which was, you got it, frozen shut. After using a bit of brute force I managed to get one door open so I could climb in and get the car started, blowers going full blast in an attempt to thaw it from the inside out. After 10 minutes of thawing I could finally get the boot open and get to the de-icer, but two doors were still not opening and the windows wouldn't wind down. This last fact gave me a few moments concern, as I did worry about how I was going to get onto site if I couldn't get the window down to swipe my pass...but thankfully after the drive to work everything was working and I didn't have to ram the gates to gain entry!
It was Cake Day in work on Friday, all proceeds going to Children in Need. People brought in cakes and these were sliced and wheeled round by volunteers whilst we formed reasonably orderly queues to buy the treats on offer. I had the most delicious piece of a biscuity, chocolate, peanut butter slice. It was delicious, but oh so rich...I had to drink a lot of water afterwards as I was feeling a teeny bit ick. I passed on later cake rounds and just donated money instead. Imagine my dismay when someone bought me a cupcake. I made a cuppa and squared my shoulders. This cake was not going to beat me. I had an honourable Scottish tradition of sugar consumption to uphold after all! Well, I did it, but I have obviously been living away long enough that my capacity for sugar has diminished! I was practically in a diabetic coma at the end of the afternoon!!! When Stephen phoned to ask what I wanted for dinner I answered "vegetables, fruit, water". That apparently translated into "curry" in Stephen's mind!! His curry was delicious, just not as detoxing as I perhaps needed!! Nor indeed was the wine, or the cider in the pub later... Oh, what the hell - it was Friday, it was needed and I can detox after Christmas.
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