Thursday, 26 August 2010

Big Game Hunting

The time of the year I hate seems to have arrived - early! Its spider migration time...when they migrate from the cold wet outside into the warm dry inside. Normally its October before the peace is shattered by the patter of many hundreds of legs as they scamper in, but in the past few days there have been loads saying hello. Eugh!

Stephen mumbled something last night which I totally didn't catch. It sounded to me like "blah blah blah blah blah blah ...der". It was the "der" part that make me take notice and press his rewind button. "Oh my God, look at that enormous spider." It took me a second to locate the beastie because it was hiding round a fold in the curtain. This was not a teeny weeny spider. This was a shaved tarantula!!! It was the biggest spider I have seen in the house - ever! Stephen was dispatched to get a glass in order to capture it and release it back into the wild. He came back with a kilner jar as he didn't think a glass would fit over it. He was probably correct!!

The poor thing was probably just taking shelter from the persistent rain and low temperatures. Summer has gone and I'm not sure we can expect it back anytime soon. It has been so cold over the past couple of days we've had to put the heating on. August!!!!

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