Sunday, 22 August 2010

I wasn't meant to do housework!

I have to admit something deeply shaming. I have owned my fabulous, wonderful, couldn't live without it, Dyson vacuum for about 6 years. The wand stuck today and I was searching the Internet to see if I could find any hints and tips for unsticking it. I found the manual. I read the manual. I discovered that my vacuum cleaner has a removable, washable filter...that should be cleaned every 6 months. Six months!!! I actually had to go check the vacuum to make sure I'd downloaded the correct manual and see if I could find the magic filter release button.

The button was cunningly disguised as a handle so no wonder I didn't spot it...for 6 years! Once I had found it I felt obliged to open it and wash the blue filter the manual described. Well it wasn't blue, but I took it out and washed it and watched it magically transform from grey to a bright blue colour. Imagine not realising that it had a washable filter. Imagine not washing the filter at the recommended intervals. Imagine leaving it SIX years before washing it!!!! I could have been living in blissful ignorance until the thing packed up altogether. No wonder it wasn't picking up as well as it once did!

I've been a bit of a Domestic Goddess today. It has mercifully been dry today so I was able to get my washing backlog dealt with. It has been raining a lot this weekend, so its been a nightmare to get things dry. A tumble dryer is being purchased ASAP! I've been washing and pegging out all morning. I've even been brave enough to tackle the ironing mountain which had built up in the dining room. It was getting seriously embarrassing. I was expecting Sherpa Tensing to appear from behind a pile, leading an expedition to the summit!

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