Monday, 19 April 2010

Saturday 10th - awake and loving Old Town

Thanks to the late night we were able to sleep past 5am, so it was up, and down to Firehooks for a coffee and Morning Glory muffin (which is everyone's favourite!). Then we went for a wander round the Farmers Market and bought a lovely watercolour. They sell so much more than fruit and veggies y'know!!

We headed out to Great Falls just after and it was certainly Great! The water level was way up -probably the highest we'd seen it in the times we'd been before. We wanted a bottle of water, but the folks in front of us at the snack bar line were having problems. For a start they were told it was a $5 minimum purchase (even for cash), and when she asked for an ice lolly and changed her mind she was told it was too late. Surely all the guy serving had to do was put it back in the freezer and give her something else... We decided that this was going to be waaaay too difficult to deal with given our minor jet lag, so we jumped rund to Tysons Mall for a pizza slice and the all-important 1st Starbucks of the trip! YAY Starbucks!!

We met up with our old friends Morag & Simon in the evening. What a great night! You've heard the expression "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"? Well, we decided that for Saturday Old Town was Vegas!! Lets just say we were out until 1:30am, we had delicious cocktails that made us drunk from the feet up and Thai food in a new restaurant. An excellent night!!

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