Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Wednesday - Colonial Williamsburg

After grabbing a Starbucks to go (yes, my addiction is back as strong as ever - and its not like its even brilliant coffee!) we headed off down to Colonial Williamsburg for a mini-visit to the "Historic Triangle" of Williamsburg (Colonial town and former capital), Jamestown (where the settlers landed) and Yorktown (where they kicked our butt in battle). The SatNag did her usual sterling job. This time getting us to the wrong place via a very convoluted route! We ended up at the entrance to some gated community as opposed to the hotel, but they were very good about giving us directions and lending us a lump hammer to silence the Nag who was, by this point, screaming ""You have reached your destination. Your destination is on the right. WHY are you turning around? You're HERE! MAKE A U TURN NOW. MAKE A U TURN NOW. MAKE A U TURN NOW. Why are you NOT LISTENING TO ME?"

We had a lovely afternoon walking round the town - both the new part and the historic, recreated part. When we had exhausted both ourselves and the photo opportunities we headed back to the hotel via a local Food Lion supermarket. Locals to Virginia are probably laughing now. Stephen jumped in to buy a bottle of wine so we could sit on the veranda and sip. He said that most of the wine came in demijohns and 2l bottles, but he did manage to buy a bottle of NZ Sauvingon Blanc. Can you guys whats coming? was finest vinegar when we opened it! We should have checked the label - it was probably years old and not properly stored. The motto here is "when wine is mostly sold in beer instead!!!"

I am developing quite a taste for martini's. Not the James Bond shaken not stirred ones, but the flavoured ones are delicious! They did really good ones in the place we had dinner. The food wasn't bad either. I had a delicious fillet steak and garlic mash. I think I misread the menu as I expected the mash to involve potato and garlic, but the potato part pretty much seemed to be missing!!! I was not pleasant to be around later I tell you!!

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