Back into the office. I swear we've barely seen daylight this week! Its an inside office with no windows so we could be anywhere. Stephen has been busy writing bids and I've been getting on with my job as usual. There have been a few frustrations - like having to share the laptop with Stephen, not having the information I have on my HD at home, and working off the BB in between times which is giving me BB thumb, but on the whole its been business as usual. We both spoke with our bosses on Wednesday (we have been in constant email contact). Tom was very cool about the situation. As long as we were okay and able to work he said that a flight in a weeks time would be fine. Stephen's boss was cool, but really wants him back in the UK. We had to explain about the flight situation....basically us stranded folks are being slotted onto any available seats. There are no rescue flights coming to get us home!!
We phoned Virgin again to see if there was any improvement to be had since the air space had opened up and after quite a bit of holding whilst they checked, they were able to give us flights on Sunday. Moving us up 3 days was great news!
I had my weekly conference call this morning. We had to laugh when I was explaining that we had a flight on Sunday, it was basically business as usual, and that we had adopted "Keep Calm and Carry On" as our motto. Sarah chipped in with "I'm not sure Tom's keeping calm. As I was walking into the office this morning he drove alongside me, rolled down the window and yelled over "Kerry's coming home!" ". Ahh...its good to be missed!!
We went for pizza at Faccia Luna with Morag, Simon and the girls on Wednesday night. Its THE best pizza in Old Town. We had our favourite pizza from there - honed after plenty of practice to Pepperoni and Onion. The girls were pretty quiet at first, but it didn't take long for Stephen to wind them up to the usual fever pitch of excitement!! Its a skill. I'm not sure that he didn't miss his vocation...
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