Friday 11 April 2008

He gets too hungry for dinner at 8...

One of the defence agencies is celebrating its 50th anniversary and Stephen is off at a Black Tie dinner tonight in celebration. The Vice President Dick Cheney is the guest speaker so security was expected to be tight - everyone had to be in the reception by 5pm and then in the room and seated by 6pm. Normally this would be no problem, but Stephen was giving a presentation to a potential customer across town at 3pm. At one point we thought the only way we would get him to the dinner in time would be for him to give his presentation in his tux! As it was he got there in just enough time to borrow the room of one of our MD's to get changed in. Its just as well we know Simon pretty well! It's not something you'd ask of just anyone!!

Only in America would there be a function where dinner ENDED by 8pm!! There is time scheduled for networking after dinner, so I'm expecting him back around 11pm - probably sober! I'm amusing myself by doing a couple of loads of laundry and looking out some clothes for holiday. Only a couple of days to go and I'm SO not in any way organised yet! Gulp! I've been so busy in work - trying to organise a visit to the UK for one of the VP's of our North American companies, organise a visit to the US of our Chairman, plus help to get the BD offsite meeting organised and do all the other regular stuff - that I've not had the time (or energy!) to do much by the time we fall in the door exhausted. Oh well, I've got tomorrow night to pack. LOADS of time!!!!

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