Monday 15 June 2009

Black-eyed Louise

We had Andy, Julie and Louise round for a BBQ on Saturday. Louise brought her Swingball set with her and we were all duly challenged to a game (which we all rather unsportingly won). Stephen was onto the replay match when Lou came running over to her Mum and Dad in absolutely floods of tears, rather mis-shapen glasses in her hand. It seems that Stephen had hit the ball back to her (it sounds rather like he hit it harder than he intended), Lou had misjudged the distance away she needed to stand (probably as the ball was travelling at the speed of light) and it had whacked her in the face. Oh, God! Poor thing! Come round for dinner and get a black eye... and to make it worse, it was Andy's mothers 70th birthday lunch the following day and there would be lots of photos. Arrgh! I'm hoping against hope that the ice pack took down the swelling and any bruising. We've offered to photo retouch any pictures of the shiner if necessary....

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