Thursday 18 June 2009

Environmental initiatives

We are exhausted! This is the third night on the trot we've spent 5+ hours magnifying the wedding photos and airbrushing out any little imperfections. Stephen is getting quite whizzy with the software now and is painting out exit signs and lamps with abandon! Hopefully tonight we'll get them finished off and sent off for printing as I need a few days off!!

Stephen had bumped into Rudy from the US office earlier today and so we saw him for a drink and a quick catch up tonight. I got the lowdown on how everyone was doing without us (they seem to be surviving!) and we had a quick round up of life in general.

Someone obviously heard my plea about the building I was in and the horridness of having to hike 2 miles up a sheer rockface to get a coffee or a sandwich as we moved to one of the new buildings nearer the canteen. Not the one I was in before I left for the US, but the identical one next door... There have obviously been some green initiatives in my absence. Our kitchens are full of bins marked up with notices. Bins for paper, bins for plastic, bins for plastic bottle tops, bins for composting...its really difficult to find the bin which is actually for your half eaten sandwich and chocolate wrapper!! Especially as they've taken away all the desk bins...which is damned inconvenient if you're suffering from hayfever as badly as me this week. Where are you supposed to put the snotty tissues when you've got to blow your nose all the time? I can either make constant trips to the bin or I can make a small pile on the desk (how very unhygienic)...I'm wearing out the carpet!

Another green initiative is the loo flush. Or rather the lack of flush! It barely flushes enough water through to get rid of the wee never mind the tissue, and it takes about 5 minutes before the cistern refills if you want to go for the second flush. How many work hours are lost by people standing in the loo waiting for the cistern to fill so they can flush again? And woe betide if you don't wait the full 5 minutes. If you try your flushing luck before that you empty the ounce of water that has filled the cistern, it makes no difference to the contents of the bowl and you have to wait another 5 minutes for it to fill again. Perhaps we need a Time and Motion Study (groan - sorry!).

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