Monday 15 June 2009

More wedding stories

I've just read back the "tales from the wedding" and realised that I missed out loads of funny moments! I'll try and backfill here...

The ceremony took place in Lothian Chambers in Edinburgh - just across from St Giles Cathedral and on the Royal Mile. Its a tourist hot can't move more than 2ft before running into someone with a camera. Anyway Stephen and me, plus Chad's two brothers Nate and Nick, were in the final taxi to depart....okay, let me put it from a tourists perspective...there was a woman in a posh outfit and froufrou headgear along with 3 men in kilts in the back of a black car pulling away from St Giles Cathedral. As a tourist what are you going to do? You are going to look very excited and wave a lot, whilst pointing us out to your friends and then getting them to wave too. I can only imagine that she's now back in whatever country she came from complaining that these minor Royals aren't as friendly as everyone says and no-one waved back...

Remember I mentioned the single guy who lined up with the single girls for the bouquet throw? Well it seemed he was trying to identify himself as a single guy in order to score with the ladies. It seemed to badly backfire as all the ladies assumed that he must be gay if he was lining up with them for the bouquet throw...! He was certainly a bundle of fun! I heard two versions of his dancing with Dad later on in the evening. One was from Dad who commented on his exuberance and the other from one of Eve's friends who said he was...(how best to paraphrase?)...doing some Justin Timberlake moves on Dad (who was in a kilt) whilst yelling (in his Italian accent) "Its a skirt"... Thank goodness Dad didn't pick up on that bit!!!! The last I saw of him he was trying to queue-jump the taxi line and go to Edinburgh Castle as a matter of urgency. Available for weddings, bar mitzvah....

The other moment came the next morning and is rather more slapstick... I'd just popped along to the Honeymoon Suite to collect the bedsheets for display to the Court....kidding - just took the royal analogy too far there! We're not in Tudor times after all! I'd just popped along to hand in some makeup to Eve as she'd forgotten hers and had made my way back to the tiny lift which Stephen had summoned. The doors opened and Scott the concierge appeared carrying an enormous tray stacked with plates of breakfast and tea, juice etc. We had come to know Scott over the previous few days and we made some joke about the breakfast being for the bridal couple and he said something about "better not spill it". We stepped out the way to let him past in the narrow corridor and he'd just disappeared from view when there was an almighty crash. I poked my head round the bend and saw there was a breakfast on the floor (but amazingly only one!).... Poor Scott! Stephen was grumbling later about only getting one rasher of bacon with breakfast when I pointed out that we'd sacrificed a rasher each in order that the happy couple didn't have to eat bacon covered in carpet fluff....a small price to pay!!!

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