Friday 10 July 2009

Do ya like good music? Yeah, yeah!

One thing I am LOVING about being back is the easy access to contemporary music. I was sitting e-mailing in the kitchen with the radio on and making notes of all the songs I need to download to my ipod. Its quite a list! Most of the radio stations have a really up to date playlist based around the top 40 with a few older songs thrown in for happy reminiscing purposes. The radio stations that we listened to in the US tended to be based around the top 40 of 30 years ago with a few contemporary songs thrown in to stop us turning over.

Of course, the top 40 at the moment is slightly skewed by the addition of 20 Michael Jackson songs. We were listening to the chart countdown whilst driving back from Ludlow and had to keep turning the radio over as amongst the great MJ songs were a few of the less great - namely Ben and Dirty Diana. Argh! Not a highpoint!!

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