Tuesday 11 December 2007

Dancing Queen

Sunday was the Christmas party. We were booked to go on a cruise on the Potomac with dinner and dancing. The only thing was the boat set sail at 6pm sharp, so if you were late then tough! Given that it takes ages for me to get ready, and that we had to be there for shortly after 5pm, I spent most of the day in a vague panic about not getting everything done in time, and running late...

As we are heading off to St Lucia fairly shortly, this was the only free weekend we had to get the essentials (most of which we had forgotten to take to the Bahamas!)...books, hats, sailing gloves (so that Stephen comes back with some skin on his palms!), sun lotion...We dived up to Potomac Yards as there is a Target, Barnes & Noble and a Sports Authority all in one place. Books was easy - 20 minutes - large pile. Hats and sailing gloves was more problematic!! Sports Authority was HUGE and I couldn't find anything! I had wanted ear muffs too and thought that they would sell them with ski gear...No they don't! We asked about sailing gloves and were told that they don't stock them specifically, but they have lots of other kinds - catchers gloves etc (I was wondering why they thought an enormous mitt would be any use whilst sailing....). Anyway, by the time I had done Target to replace the Xmas bows that had blown off the front railings during the high winds it was getting kinda late! And I still had to come home and do all the stuff I needed to do to get ready for work in the morning!! Aarrrgghhhhhh!!

We had decided that a glass of Dutch courage might not be a bad thing, so we cracked open a bottle of bubbly with Paul and Hils before we headed off. We took a minor diversion en-route to the boat - I think Paul was keen to give us the guided tour of all the monuments carefully lit in their evening glow. He should charge really - it was most entertaining!

The boat trip started with the most terrible gin and tonics - ever! This stuff was pure grain alcohol (probably made in the bilges!) which almost filled the glass, topped off with a squirt of flat tonic...it was undrinkable!! Thankfully the wine with dinner was passable enough that I could manage a couple of glasses, but more would have been challenging! Everyone was in fine form and having a good time. The boat (as promised) left its mooring at 6pm exactly. By 6:05 our orders had been taken and the band had started. It was a funny old night in that respect! It was strange to be out so early (and on a Sunday!)...we were home for 9:30!!

Colin was cutting a rug and whisking us ladies around the floor. We did a bit of jiving and a bit of shakin' our booty (this will be a familiar story to anyone who was at the Spectrum Ball last year! I can hear you all - same story, different dance partner!) Andris: you and Colin would get on like a house on fire! You are cut from the same cloth!! Certainly you must have both had the same dance instructor!! We had a good time scandalising the co-workers anyway!

Glittery shoes are great ice breaker as well as potential ankle breaker! For some reason my glittery shoes were much admired! I got a few great tips on where to go buy fantastic shoes at fantastic discounts. At some point soon I will be making a trip to Nordstrom Rack - designer shoes, Scottish prices!!

It was Tanner's last day in the office today. She is leaving the Inc for good and had a new job much closer to her home in Stafford. Her commute will go from around 1 hour each way to 8 minutes, so I can understand why she might want to take it! I'm going to miss her though. She was really welcoming when I joined! So funny! VERY Texan! There are now only two ladies left of the gang of four ladies who lunch...

We found out today that Gracie is re-joining us. She'll be working from home in NYC and visiting the office around once a month. She was the EA to the previous President at the Inc, then she went to QNA for a spell and now she's back! It was good to finally meet someone whom I've heard so much about.

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