Wednesday 9 January 2008

Stan and Ollie hit the road again

Lots to report! Hils has headed home to the UK (damned work getting in the way again!), and Alyssa has left the Inc, which means that I'm now the only remaining member of the Gang of 4 Ladies what Lunch... all my buddies are leaving me...maybe I should invest in different perfume/stronger deodorant!!!

We've been having unseasonably warm weather for the past few days. It was 70 degrees F when I was driving home tonight - and that was at 6:30. We've had beautiful blue sky weather - absolutely fantastic. It really lifts my spirits (I'm a little SAD sometimes). I think its to get cold again at the weekend, and the forecasters are talking of snow next week.

The office has been decimated by illness for the past few week. Poor Colin was in the office for a few hours on Monday, and he really shouldn't have been. He had to have emergency surgery just before New Year and has a bit scar and lots of staples. One of the VP's was coughing up a lung today, and was back to the Doc's to try and get something for it. Everyone else is at various stages of the cold thing that is doing the rounds of the office. Paul came back from the UK this afternoon and asked "Where the &$%# is everyone?". As I pointed out...we're all sick (on many different levels!!).

My lovely Xmas tree came down at the weekend, so it's all looking a little bare and empty. Even my "visible from space lights" came down (although everyone else in Old Town still seems to have them up), so outside is bare too. I think Valentine's is the next holiday to be celebrated, but I'm not sure that I'm going to be swathing the house in hearts and red lights!!

Stan and Ollie are in California again. I'm not sure that we should ever let Stephen and Simon travel together again - they don't even have to be together for chaos to ensue!! Stephen was booked on a 12 noon flight to San Diego yesterday, but the airline kept delaying the flight, and delaying the flight, and delaying the flight. Finally, about 6:30 he called me to say he was on a plane. Then about 7pm he called me to say the plane was broken and they were having to transfer to another plan. I think they finally took off at 8pm - a delay of a mere 8 hours. Then when he finally got to San Diego it turned out that Dollar cancel reservations if you don't pick up the car within 2 hours of the booking time. Which meant that they didn't have a car for they gave him a van!! At least no-one will be tempted to steal this one from valet parking!!

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