Saturday 8 August 2009

Off we go to the circus

What a whirl of activity our social life has been this week! We've had dinner with Richard, Justine, Steve and Graham at a most excellent country pub. We met Chris for dinner in Ask - and had a very strange experience with the waiter! When Stephen was off collecting Chris from the bar where he was waiting for us, the waiter showed me to the table.
"I recognise you from somewhere"
"Oh-oh, really?"
"Yes....did you buy and Audi?"
"Its Mr & Mrs Spark isn't it?"
"Crikey - you're good! That's a bit scary!"
I have no recollection of having seen this guy at the dealership at all. But he was able to tell us that it was Martin that sold us the car, what kind of car it was and what colour. Spooky!!

Then the following night we had a curry with Richard, Kate and Tom. We went to Zam Zams - the food was delicious, but the wine let us down rather. You have to take your own wine so we'd all popped into the wine shop. Their chilled wine selection was exceedingly poor! It was mostly dodgy stuff from a local vineyard, so I ended up with a bottle of Californian paint stripper which cost four quid as that was the best they had. Ah well. At least it stopped me drinking it and saved the sore head the next day!

We had decided to go for a meal at the Fig Tree on Friday night. We did that and so much more too! I had spotted that Le Grande Cirque were performing at Malvern Theatres so we stopped in on the way home and got stand-by tickets for the 8:30 show. So not only did we have an absolutely gorgeous pre-theatre meal (the food there is stunning), but we saw quite a spectacle at the Theatre.

Oh My God, these people are incredibly fit, strong and flexible. What amazing feats of balance and strength. It was awesome! We had a great time. There was a big burst of streamers at the end of the shop and one giant silver streamer pooled neatly down into my lap so I had a fun time on the walk back to the car pretending to be the Silver Lady with my streamers flowing and flapping behind me. (Did I mention I'd had wine with dinner?)

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