Sunday 16 August 2009

Three little birds...pitch by my doorstep...singing sweet songs

We went to see Zion, a Bob Marley tribute band, at Malvern theatres last night. As you may imagine there weren't so many Marley fans in Malvern - too many blue rinses in this town! - but those of us that were there were dancing, singing and having a great time!

I wasn't sure how it was going to be...we're normally full of rum punch, sitting on a terrace with the sea lapping the shore a few feet away when we're listening to the "sweet songs" of the various local Caribbean bands playing classic Bob Marley songs. But a pint of cider was an acceptable stand in for the rum punch and the songs travel very well. It was fantastic!

They played Redemption Song at the end - and about 4 seconds in I was welling up. As we were in the middle of the second row (and visible to the band) I do wonder if they expected to make someone cry!! Stephen had a moment of panic when "Bob" pointed at him during one song when we were being encouraged to join in and asked "do you know the words?". Actually yes! But then so did everyone else.

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