Wednesday 16 May 2007

What to take?

I spoke to the UK part of the relocation company today to find out about shipping our worldly goods to the US...and got a bit of a surprise at how fast they can mobilise!! Basically someone from the shipping company is coming early next week to assess how much we need to ship, and then on Thursday or Friday they are turning up with packing crates and a big lorry to take it all away!! The good news is that they will pack everything so I don't need to do that, but I do need to decide (and VERY soon!!) exactly what we want to take with us....

So I've spent this evening going round the house assessing what furniture to take and e-mailing furniture rental companies in the US for quotes for the rest. And remember that I'm doing this without actually having set foot in my new property! I just hope that I've judged the scale correctly and that we don't end up with huge furniture in weeny rooms!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't worry about packing space - seems plenty of space to me as a bloke - all you need is one pair of shoes, 24 cans of Stella and one 42" LCD TV !