Tuesday 29 May 2007


What a fun few days we've had!! About 2 or 3 hours after my last post I got a horrendous sore throat (I think I relaxed after my massage and the lurking germs went "get her - her defences are down!!"), and by the time I woke up on Thursday I had a rather fine temperature to match... If there had been some way of harnessing the heat that my body was generating we could have sold it back to the National Grid and used it to light up Malvern!!!

On Friday I was, if anything, worse! And this really was D-Day! The packers were coming in the morning and the stuff we were taking had to be separated from the stuff we weren't....I couldn't stand up unaided, let alone lift things from cupboards, so we called in the cavalry. Mummy Margo to the rescue! I croaked a few instructions and off Mum and Stephen went...

They seem to have got it all correct - the stuff I was expecting to go has, and I don't think I'm missing any stuff I was expecting too stay here, so success!! Oh, apart from the one thing that does seem to have disappeared - the kitchen roll....I'm sure I'll find it in a few weeks, carefully wrapped and packed and delivered to Alexandria!

Stephen tells me the packing crew were terribly polite and professional. I didn't get to see them as I was locked in the spare room with a bottle of lucozade and some painkillers. There may have been a spot of deja vu going on when I wrote the last post! Who would have guessed that I really would lurk in the spare room til Sunday and let Stephen deal with them!

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