Wednesday 23 May 2007

Cars, Colleagues and Cadogan Tate

Stephen and I went for a drink with one of our American colleagues last night. Wally was giving Stephen advice on cars...and it didn't take long for our proposed purchase to go from practical/basic (a Ford Escape), to practical/luxury (a BMW X3 or X5) to impractical/fast (a corvette). A 'vette would be fun, but we need something we can fit the shopping in, so I might have to steer Stephen back down the road he's just travelled! Gosh, I can be so cruel...

We had the surveyor from Cadogan Tate, the shipping company, come round to assess how much stuff we were taking at lunchtime today. I was impressed by his ability to look at a piece of furniture and convert it into cubic feet! I was also impressed by his knowledge of shoe designers!! He explained the process of packing, shipping and customs and how long it'll be before I can expect to be reunited with my ballgowns (surface freight) - which is back to 4-6 weeks and shoes (air freight) 1-2 weeks. We have a packing crew coming at 9am on Saturday to pack up the surface stuff - which is going to be interesting as I don't do mornings (as you all know!) and being nice to people before 10am or I've had a cuppa (whichever comes first!) is difficult for me!! Perhaps I should let Stephen deal with them on arrival and I'll skulk in a room until I'm feeling less grumpy!!! (probably Sunday.....!) Finally, when the packers have done their stuff a 20 foot ISO container is turning up to take it all away...

Moto is here tonight to massage our tightly knotted muscles and work his "Moto Magic!"...unfortunately for me, Stephen has grabbed the first session so he can watch the football, which means that I'll be trying to relax whilst listening to Stephen yelling at the TV and swearing a lot! Alcohol may be required...not sure whether its for him or me though!

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