Monday 29 October 2007

Almost Heaven, in Virginia...Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah river...Take Me Home...

Well Mum and Eve certainly brought the weather with them! Not only did it rain constantly for 4 days, but King Street flooded down by the waterfront on Friday night!! We were wondering why there were so many police cars parked with lights flashing, but we soon found out when we tried to walk down to Mai Thai and then discovered there was a lake in front of us!! We had to retreat to Thai Old Town to satisfy our cravings, and it was absolutely delicious!!

After dinner we braved the raging torrents of water flowing down the street, battled against the sideways rain and headed to the Jazz club where we met up with Paul W and Simon (whom Stephen was in California with...) for drinks. The band was Blues and totally fantastic! It was late when we staggered home, still battling the elements.

Saturday was not an early start! But the good news was that it had stopped raining!! Yay! As we'd had so much rain, we thought it might be good to go back to Great Falls and see if it was more of a Great Fall, rather than the Little Trickle it was a couple of weeks ago! It was a lot more impressive this time around - still below normal levels, but a much bigger amount of water. After that we went to Georgetown for a wander. Georgetown was completely packed with people, and it was difficult to walk around. We took a stroll along the canal though, and visited a few shops, and had lunch in Johnny Rockets which is a very retro 50's diner. We had our own jukebox on the table, so we had some fun inflicting our taste in music on others!

We stopped in at Target so Eve could return some shoes (as 8 pairs was excessive!) and there was a huge amount of screaming going on...turns out that there was an enormous queue of people (including hundreds of kids) waiting to see some WWF wrestler...who arrived just about when we did. It wasn't a Beatles-esque reception for our very own Guitar God!!!

We tried out the Jazz bar on Saturday night as well (Paul was there with a couple of visitors), but the band was a little too polished. Very much background muzak jazz, and a bit boring.

We went to the most delightful little town on Sunday - St Michaels, which is round on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. Its a totally gorgeous place! Getting there involved driving over the Bay Bridge which is incredibly long (4.3 miles). Apparently if you are a nervous driver (it sways in high wind), you can get an escort over the bridge...I'm not sure how this works, but I'm they get in the car and drive you over? Sit with you whilst you drive? Escort you with their car?

We stopped into Annapolis on the way back. There was a Halloween festival going on down one street, so there were kids and dogs in fancy dress - very cute! Eve and I were starving (Stephen had vetoed lunch as we were planning to go for an early dinner), so when we passed an Auntie Anne stall we were in there getting a soft pretzel before Stephen could object! It didn't spoil dinner though...we had steaks in the Warehouse, followed up by a couple of drinks in O'Connells. The server made Eve's night when he asked for her ID!! Didn't ask for mine though...can't imagine why not as surely I must still look under 21???

Stephen snuck off into work first thing this morning, so we headed off to Skyline Drive (via the donut shop) as soon as he got back. It was a really beautiful crisp, blue sky day, and it showed Shenandoah off to perfection. It was utterly gorgeous. The trees have begun to turn their autumn foliage colours and the woods were a patchwork of greens, yellows, oranges and reds. And as a bonus, I spotted two deer in the woods just as we were getting ready to leave. It took Stephen a few meters to slam on the anchors after my cry of "Look! Bambi!!", so we had to drive on and turn around to see them. They were still there when we got back (thankfully!) so we got loads of photos. In fact, they were still there when we passed again (after driving on and turning round to the correct direction). Loads of cars had passed and not stopped...unbelievable! I guess they didn't see them!

Po'Boy update - still in the fridge, uneaten. There is now an embargo on doggy bags....

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