Friday 26 October 2007

Some serious retail therapy

After a bit of dithering about in the morning (it was raining and miserable and prompted a few "what shall we do?" moments) we decided to head off to Potomac Mills Outlet Mall for some retail therapy. This place is HUGE and full of bargains! After a fairly slow start we finally hit our stride...boy did we hit our stride! Eve bought about 6 pairs of shoes and boots (which, Colin pointed out, was more shoes that Colin owns! He doesn't get the female shoe thing....but this is the man with 3 cars, so pot-kettle-black springs to mind!!). I limited myself to one pair, but would have bought more if I'd seen boots I liked. I think I need to go and buy a couple of pairs of "sensible" boots that I can wear in the snow and freezing temperatures that people tell me are coming in January...

We went for dinner in Southsides last night. Which was yummy! I had a Po'Boy...or rather half a Po'Boy...the other bit is in a box in the fridge. Mum promised she would eat it...but its still there!! (This is why I don't get doggy bags normally!). Eve's left over pasta and half a pizza are in there too....I'm sure it'll all be scampering round the fridge in a few days time!

As mum and Eve were heading into DC to do more of the Smithsonian, I headed back into work today. I'm not sure whether it was a good idea or bad...would people sort out their little problems if I wasn't there, or would I be left trying to sort things out on the hoof, using my blackberry? I don't know! Anyway, it was pretty busy. I am Kerry the Travel Agent as well as Sister Mary Kerry (SMK)...all have done is travel bookings this week! One secondee is going to get a slap if he doesn't start acting like a grown-up instead of a 4 year old!! It has been a long time since I met anyone so totally NOT in control of his own sh!t!! Talk about needing a nanny! He said he didn't get a copy of his itinerary, when in fact he had about 5 copies, he just didn't realise that's what they were!, then he "lost" his itinerary, turned up for the flight 15 minutes before he thought it took off and tried to check in with the wrong airline!! Needless to say he missed the flight. Grrrrr!!!!

SMK was in session for a good bit of this morning too...Colin was in a right stinker this morning. He was quite the Ogre!! I'm going to have to place a bulk order for Reeces Peanut Butter Cups - they are everyones favourite candy...and they eat more when stressed and grumpy! Colin practically wiped me out of them (and I bought 2 HUGE bags at the start of the week!). He was hoovering them down by the handful!

The travellers, accompanied by Prof McSnecktor, did quite a few of the museums today (including the Spy museum which they thought was crap!). It has been completely rubbish weather for the past few days though- raining and fairly cold - so not brilliant weather for walking about. We need the rain. We're suffering drought conditions in Virginia (and in other states) - it has only rained a handful of times since we arrived at the beginning of July, and this is the first prolonged rain we've had... The forecast is for it to get warmer and sunnier over the course of the next few days though. Good for sightseeing, if not for the water table! We're aiming to take the water taxi to Georgetown tomorrow, go to Annapolis and Eastern Shore on Sunday and also to Skyline Drive on Monday. Fingers crossed that it stops raining for then...

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