Saturday 16 February 2008

The Great Bacon Exchange

We have bacon!! Proper British (well, actually Irish) back bacon....AND black pudding! Truly we are in heaven!! We'll be able to have a bacon butty tomorrow - I even have HP sauce, so it will be perfect!!!! We found out a couple of weeks ago that the Embassy has a shop...and I have a friend in the Embassy!! In exchange for bags of Cadbury's Mini Eggs and Heat magazine transported from the UK by Stephen, she popped down and bought us bacon. What a star!!! It comes frozen, so Stephen was despatched to buy a cool box and freezer packs on Thursday in preparation for the exchange. Her boss was going to the same meeting as Stephen on Friday, so they made an exchange in the car park beforehand. This probably looked very odd to passers-by...someone handing over packets of bacon and a ring of black pudding and receiving an envelope in exchange!! I am SO looking forward to my first proper bacon butty in 8 months. I only hope it lives up to expectations!!!

Our visitors leave this afternoon, and seem to have had a good time. Everyone trooped off to Skyline Drive on Thursday, then onto Fredericksburg (or rather to the shopping malls at Fredericksburg!). There were lots of "Bambi" on show at Skyline, and the winter views were apparently pretty special. The boys enjoyed the mall at F'burg as they found the Guitar Centre, so spent some time in there! They didn't get home until around 9pm, so I imposed on Colin and made him run me home.

He ran me home on Friday too. It's Presidents Day weekend this weekend, and the office was incredibly quiet, so I pleaded with our President and he declared we could all knock off early. Three Cheers for Paul!! Colin was so happy with me, he would probably have driven to California if I had asked!! It was a lovely afternoon yesterday - the weather was fantastic!! When Stephen got back from his meeting we took a walk into Old Town and had a look round the Torpedo Factory Arts Centre, then went for a drink. Our guests took the car and went from some retail therapy and another McDonalds for Lyle. We walked home, collected everyone and walked back along to Chadwicks for dinner. And lo, sitting at the table behind us were Paul and Hils!!

Stephen and John headed to the jazz bar after dinner, and June, Lyle and I headed home. We had barely gone 20 feet before June tripped up and fell. Thankfully, due to the number of layers of jumpers and jackets she didn't break the skin, just banged her elbow. What a pair we are! Me flat on my back and June flat on her face, all within a couple of days.

June and I had a nice morning just wandering about the shops in Old Town. The boys went off to the Guitar Centre at Falls Church. We all met up at the marina in Old Town - June and I had been to Starbucks and were sitting down there in the sunshine. It was lovely in the sunshine - just a little chilly out of it!

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