Friday 8 February 2008

Oops! I did it again...

Okay...well this being the week of forgetfullness, today I forgot to wake up!

My alarm didn't go off (I don't know why, because it was set!), and I woke up just around 7am. My first thought was "&%$'s light....ohmigod what time is it??". Then I leapt out of bed and into the shower....I obviously made up a LOT of time becuase I was in work only 15 minutes or so later than I would normally be, and was still the first person in the office!!! However the feeling of having to catch up never left me all was a busy day anyway and my multitasking skills were being pushed to the limit. I was hoping to get out of there around 1pm, but that was so not happening!! I eventually ran away about 3pm in order to get home and finish the housework before Stephen and his mum, brother and nephew arrived for their visit.

Last night, I forgot to come home! I didn't get out of the office until around 6:30pm which made it an 11 hour day!! I was packed up and ready to go and then I realised that I hadn't sent an e-mail to someone in the UK that needed to be sent on Thursday giving updates on something I've been out came the laptop again... Need to stop having so many of those kinds of days! It was month end, so it is always a manic week, but still....!

We did have an amusing interlude (its not all work - we have some play in the office!). Paul started by saying that he had been in the lift in the morning with "this person"... and wanting confirmation of his suspicions. It turns out that he has now seen the "bloke in a dress". For those of you who watch Ugly Betty - this is definitely no Alexis!!

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