Wednesday 6 February 2008

Now, where did I put my...?

I seem to be having a "senior" week. It started on Monday when I got up, had a shower, put my nightie in the wastebin (and have absolutely no recollection of doing so!), got dressed and ready, forgot to switch off the heat in the bedroom, remembered to put out the trash but forgot to pick up my work pass...I got to work, and discovered I couldn't get in!! I was the first person there and I had to wait a few minutes for someone to turn up.... This morning I forgot to switch off my magic light up make-up mirror....I forget what I forgot yesterday!!

I am going to have to part with a pair of my shoes. They have developed a squeak!! I was walking around today and it sounded like I had a little mouse on my foot. It was getting quite annoying, not to mention embarrassing!! Of course, this does mean that I'll need to go shoe shopping in order to replace them. Okay, so maybe need is the wrong word...but I will be going shoe shopping to replace them!!

Stephen is in the UK (eating curry and bacon sandwiches) and I haven't been sleeping so well (as usual) and have been having very strange dreams. I think it might be down to the lack of alcohol, because I've not been eating cheese before bedtime!

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