Tuesday 3 June 2008

It's off to work we go....

I spent yesterday (yet again!) doing loads of laundry. And Stephen spent it (yet again!) playing golf. Can someone explain how it always works out that way? Oh yes, that's right. If Stephen did the laundry it would all come out pink and the right size to fit a barbie doll. Much as I love to shop I think a weekly replacement of my wardrobe might be a bit exhausting!

Work today was busy for both of us. Stephen spent the day with a phone glued to his ear, and I spent it replying to hundreds of e-mails, sorting out "stuff" and making umpteen travel bookings. Tim had to make a couple of bookings whilst I was out last week and he said today that its not as easy as it looks and I am welcome to that aspect of my job! I had an e-mail from the chap at HRG travel that I usually deal with which said "I missed you, but I think Tim missed you more..." Too true it seems!!

We're gearing up for a VIP visitor from the UK office this week. I was struggling into the house with bags of shopping when my mobile rang, so I let it go to voicemail. Typically as it was the one call that I didn't pick up, it was the UK VIP!!!! I was hitting the redial button instantly as soon as I heard the message!! Thankfully he was in a chirpy mood and just calling to say hello and let me know about a change to his dinner plans tomorrow, so not too career limiting!!

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