Friday 14 November 2008

High Brow or Low Brow?

In a futile last minute attempt to look more groomed for my forthcoming visit to the UK I went to get my eyebrows tamed at lunchtime today. The South American lady who wrestled them off my face was really lovely, if a little brutal! I wasn't braced for the ripping off of the first strip. YEOWWWW!! Holy cow that hurt! I contemplated doing a runner at that point, but realised that mismatched eyebrows would look worse than the hairy caterpillars that resided just above my eyes. Carole was pretty swift - the waxing was over pretty quickly...then the plucking began. Now, how bad can plucking be? I pluck hairs every day. Its no biggie. Except when your skin has been highly sensitised by having the hair ripped out by the roots!! It was 15 minutes of pain, but the end result was worth it! I have perfectly groomed brows, and all for the bargain price of $10!

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