Friday 28 November 2008

Malvern ahoy

We were up at 6am on Tuesday to catch an early flight to Birmingham. It was something of a shock as we hadn't made it out of bed before about 9am (often later!) since we arrived in the UK! We managed though - even if it was a struggle! The flight allowed us some dozing time before we picked up the hire car (or sh*tty tin can as Stephen referred to it!). I had to get the car changed in the afternoon as Stephen was feeling uncomfortable driving something so small when he was liable to turn onto the wrong side of the road. It was the first time he was back that he said he felt uncomfortable driving on the left side - I guess he's gone native in driving terms. I think I probably have too - I'm back to the UK a lot less, so it seems even less natural to me now!!

It has been an intense week back. We've packed loads in! Stephen probably more than me as I've been struck down by two separate lurgies this week which has cut down on my on-site time - although God Bless remote access as I've been able to log on from home - ie near the loo (Weds) and in the warm (Friday). I'm fending off the worst of the cold symptoms with cold and flu remedy. Its the wedding tomorrow and I don't want to be snottery for that...

We've been eating for Britain for the past few days - there have been meals with Kate, Richard and Justine, Julie and Andy and tonight we're meeting Hils and Paul. I may have to starve for a few weeks when I get back to Alexandria!!

I went to get my hair done with my lovely hairdresser Dave this afternoon. It was good to get away from the onset of "Barbara Bush hair" and back to something a little more styled!

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