Tuesday 18 November 2008

The name is Bond...

Stephen had to go and get his ears syringed again last night. He was totally corned beef again - only 4 months after having them excavated with a pick and shovel last time....I must introduce him to Q-tips!

We went to see the Bond film immediately after and he was complaining to me that the soundtrack was too loud. This from the man who always wants to turn it up! He can now hear the beating of a butterflies wings at 3 miles!! The film was really good - but its not a Bond film as we've come to expect it!! There was no "The name is Bond. James Bond", no gadgets, no Q, no Moneypenny.... there was certainly plenty of high octane chases, fights and Daniel Craig looking mean and moody...which kinda made up for the lack of traditional elements.

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