Monday 16 February 2009

A hairy situation

I'm back! I apologise loyal readers (all 3 of you) for the radio silence. It was a busy week...Stephen's Mum, Aunt and Brother all arrived on Wednesday, so Tuesday evening was spent cleaning up (or at least stuffing the filing under the sofa) in preparation for the visit. Everyone arrived on Wednesday afternoon - two into Reagan airport and one into Dulles, so Stephen was driving round Virginia collecting them all.

Thursday was a rather sad day for us. Lovely Lynn left the Inc on Friday and Thursday was her leaving lunch. I'm going to miss her so much, but we'll make sure and see one another before Stephen and I head home at the end of March. We had to rush off from lunch as we were both getting our hair cut. Mine was in dire need of attention! The cut wasn't too bad thanks to my lovely UK hairdresser who'd cut it in November, but the colour. Wow, was the grey fierce! It was definitely time to get it dyed back to my un-natural colour...

My regular hairdresser has just popped a sprog, so I went to Gavin the Yorkshireman for the first time. We were chatting away and he didn't really ask about how I wanted it cut, or how much I wanted taken off. This should have triggered a mass of alarm bells ringing in my head, but I was lulled by the lilting Yorkshire accent. Big mistake. HUGE mistake!!! The first cut took 2 inches off the bottom. Arrrgghhh. Too late to stop him unless I'm going to recreate a 1980's asymmetric Flock of Seagulls look! The good news is I have dark locks, unblemished by any hint of grey. The bad news is that when he dried it I had hair like Laura Bush. Oh, and he gave me actually I could now easily recreate the Flock of Seagulls look. Pass me the extra strength hairspray!!!

Lynn with her leaving gift

The gang

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