Tuesday 3 March 2009

Albuquerque photos

Old Town Albuquerque

The church of San Felipe de Neri


Interesting architectue in Old Town

At the Elephant Bar

The giant GMC SUV

I loved the chilis at the Petroglyph visitor centre

Petroglyphs pecked into the rock. The earliest date back to 1000 BC

"Are you photographing a rattler?" Is he kidding me??

One mile up and you begin to feel it.
Especially when scrambling uphill over rocks!

Urgh. There is SO much wildlife....I'm putting myself in mortal danger on this trip!

Okay - enough is enough! Bears? No-one mentioned bears....
This was the sign that greeted me at the top of Sandia Peak...
The view from the top of the peak

The cable car machinery

At the top of the peak


10,387 ft equals 2 miles high!
I swear between the rattlers, the bears and the lack of oxygen
Stephen is trying to bump me off!!!

The view from the top

It was worth every freezing, oxygen deprived moment to watch a sunset like this one.
It just to better and better.

Under a Blood Red Sky

Yes. It WAS that cold!

Albuquerque at sunset

X marks the spot!

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