Thursday 12 March 2009

Back to where we started

We got a scrummy breakfast at the B&B, then packed up (again!) and headed off back up Oak Creek Canyon (in MUCH better weather!) then onto Meteor Crater which is supposedly the best preserved and first authenticated crater. NASA used the crater for astronaut training - Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Jim Lovell all did training there.

From there we drove to the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert - a drive-through National Park! There were a couple of stopping off points which were worth a quick look. The petrified logs were interesting. Silica had seeped into the logs and turned them to stone. There were beautiful colours of quartz in the logs. The painted desert may have been more interesting if we'd seen it first! It was a bit of a let down after the wonders we had seen. Towards the end of the 28 mile loop it was a "drive-through at speed" National Park!!

It was then a long drive back to ABQ and a final re-pack of the cases before heading over to the Elephant Bar and a last couple of margaritas. We returned the car the following morning 1400 miles worse for wear. A grand journey!

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