Tuesday 2 March 2010

Don't give away my LW2L!

We were in work especially early this morning - even before the coffee shop opened! This disrupted the morning routine somewhat as we usually collect our coffee as we pass on the way to our desks. I was understandably getting a bit desperate by around 9am when I'd done an hour of work in an un-caffeinated state!!

Kate and I headed over and, as we were approaching the till to order, a guy rushed past us to get ahead in the queue. Okay, I thought, he obviously needs coffee more than me. Let it go....! He placed his order for 2 coffees, Kate placed her order and then I placed mine. We took a seat and waited for them to froth the milk etc. Finally they called his order and Kate's order so we all headed for the bar to collect our coffee...me knowing that mine was coming up next. Imagine then my horror when I witness this conversation...

Bloke: Oh, I wanted 3 coffees. Did I only order two?
Barista: Yes. What else did you want?
Bloke: A skinny latte
Barista: Tell you what. Take this one...

She then proceeded to hand over MY coffee!!!!! What the....?!?! Can you imagine the look of utter horror that crossed my face? I was desperate for coffee! I didn't want to have to wait another second, let alone another minute, for a new coffee to be produced! Is it my problem if this guy can't count?! I could just about stand it if they gave away my coffee if it was an afternoon cup...but that first vital cup of Liquid Will to Live? Jeeeez...they were lucky I didn't wrestle him to the floor and prise the cup out of his hand!!

Kate bought me my first Cadburys Cream Egg of the year. Yum Yum! We joked that when the office became too noisy and I wanted to stand up and yell "SHUT UP" at the top of my lungs, then I could just shove it in my gob and eating it would keep me quiet. Of course, once the sugar rush kicked in I would then become Ninja Kerry and fly round the office (in the style of Crouching Tiger) taping up their mouths with duct tape!

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