Friday 14 September 2007

Dude looks like a lady...

Oh, the sights I've seen....Stephen and I had been down getting a coffee in Starbucks and were riding up in the lift with this other couple. Nothing interesting going on. We were quiet. The guy was yabbering away, and it wasn't til the woman answered that I really took notice of them....she had a voice which was deeper than Barry White's! She was totally a dude in a dress!!!! Was it "wear your wife's clothes and wig to work day! and we missed it?

I discovered an old lady hair this morning. These are the fine hairs on your face that somehow become an inch long without you noticing! I swear, I spend a LOT of time examining my face in minute detail, so I would spot an abnormally long facial hair...but I didn't! I think they sprout overnight. It can be the only rational explanation!

And talking of abnormally long facial hair, I attacked Graeme with a pair of scissors yesterday... No, don't panic - he is unharmed - and on his way back to the UK tonight. He was sitting on my desk waiting to go off and do his demo when I spotted a beard hair which had escaped the mowing which had taken place prior to him coming over. And you know when you see something, then can't stop looking at it....well this hair was so distracting I had to take action!! It was for the good of the company...I didn't want the people at the demo to be watching Graeme's stray beard hair instead of the clever stuff they were showing them!

We went out for dinner with Graeme last night, but to be honest I was tired and not really my sparkling best! I'd had a really early start yesterday...At 4:30 AM I got a phone call from the security company saying that a high temperature alarm was going off in the office suite. Not being terribly awake I kind of grunted at them for a bit, then asked them to call someone in the building to check to see if there were flames licking the ceiling and to call me back if there was a problem... of course I then lay in bed awake and worrying about whether I should actually get out of bed and drive to work. I had just about decided that I would when the phone went again at 5AM. It was a the security company again, to tell me that there was a high temperature alarm going off in the server room in the suite. Ah-ha more information that last time...or maybe I could process what I was being told this time! Being more awake I asked what people normally do in this situation and was told "disregard it"! So I did! I didn't have the access codes for the server room anyway, so there wasn't a great deal I could do. Colin gets in at 6:30 so I e-mailed him to check it...and sure enough the alarm was going off...and he didn't have access either! We had to wait for Tim, the new receptionist, to get in before we could switch it off. Dawn bought be a latte to compensate - the security company had tried calling her first and she slept through the ringing phone!

I didn't get much (actually any!) sleep from 4:30 onwards, so I was completely shot by the time we finally left the office at 5:45. I was getting a little grumpy...especially when Dawn (who starts around 10) came in at 5:00 and asked me to put through a proxy request for the BD off-site meeting next week, and that she would e-mail me the agenda and attendee list as well as leaving me a hard copy. This was fine, absolutely no problem with doing things that need to be done. So I waited a couple of I re-typed the attendee list to get things going...still no I thought, sod it...I'll re-type the agenda (which had different topics/speakers every 20 minutes or so - basically it was a LONG and detailed agenda!)...then I pressed submit. Dawn then wanders up and says "oh, did you re-type it already?" Well, yes..cos it had been 1/2 hour since she went back to her office, and I'd been in work for 10 hours at that point and awake since 4:30 (thanks to work and Dawn's self-confessed ability to sleep through earthquakes!) and I was really, really ready to go home!! It's easy to forget when you're a come in later, work later person that after 5pm the work earlier, go home earlier (in theory but it never happens) person is pretty brain dead!!

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