Thursday 20 March 2008

Mmmmm Creme Eggs...

I met Colin for lunch today. He was looking relaxed and fabulous (unlike me who was looking uptight and spotty!). We had great fun - I only hope that the neighbouring tables didn't hear the conversation!! Wildly inappropriate and enough to make a sailor blush!!!

We've been amused - or maybe amazed - at how very far behind the US media can be on picking up on some stories. Do they not read the BBC website?? Last night was the news that low energy lightbulbs contain mercury vapour (surely this was news MONTHS ago) and last week we were told that there were prescription drugs in the water supply. D'UH! There were articles about this a couple of years ago in the UK!! I distinctly remember reading that men were developing breasts due to the female hormones in the water them to blame the pill for their man-boobs!!!

We don't get any public holidays at Easter, so I keep forgetting that its actually this weekend! Its kind of passing me by a little!! I did find Cadbury's Creme Eggs in Balduci's yesterday - yippee!! I LOVE creme eggs! Although they seem smaller than I remember then to be...

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