Saturday 22 March 2008

Preparation and painting

A GIANT skinny latte was in order this morning. In the interests of getting Hils onto American time and helping her overcome her jetlag we went out for dinner and drinkies last night. We were a little late getting to bed, and I was in need of a major caffeine injection this morning!!

We went to the local coffee shop. It was packed to the roof with people in running gear and jackets emblazoned with the dates of various marathons they'd run...Stephen and I slunk into the corner and tried not to draw attention to our lardy selves!!

He's gone off to watch the football, and I'm supposed to be painting the fireplace in the Den. The fire can't be drawing properly as the front of the fireplace is fairly smoky. I need to prime it before I paint it...I find the preparation bit so VERY boring, but I guess I need to get on with it. Now, where is the masking tape?

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