Thursday 3 July 2008

Ear Ear

I have to apologise. One whole week without a post. Its been busy...what can I say! It's getting late, so I might have to fill you in on the goings on of the Sparks over the course of the next day. It was Stephen's birthday today and I felt compelled to take him out for dinner. We're now sitting on the front step, having a drink and enjoying the warm (but not humid - yay!) evening. Oh, and I'm blogging of course...

Let me take you back just over a week....

Stephen has been getting progressively more deaf as the months go on as his ears gunge up with wax. (Sorry - I didn't warn you, did I?) We bought a kit from the pharmacy and I had the delightful task of putting in the ear drops and flushing them out again with the syringe into a little tray. Nurse Kerry isn't a role that comes naturally to me. I was thinking "how gross" AND the drops didn't seem to be making any difference! It was time to send him to the Doc's. Of course, we haven't registered with one yet so finding one that would take our health insurance was the first obstacle.

He was duly dispatched for his 0930 appointment...and was gone for about 3 hours!!!

He kept sending me messages...

"Doc looking in my good ear and thinks it's bad. He's not looking forward to looking in the bad one"

"Nurse has gone for bigger syringe. First one not shifting it"

"Have called for a 2nd nurse to assist"

At this point I was assuming that they had given up on syringing the wax out and were going with the pick and shovel option!!

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