Saturday 5 July 2008

Joni's birthday

It was Joni's birthday on Thursday, but we wasn't going to be in the office, so we decided to take her to lunch on Wednesday, which was actually Stephen's birthday, but he wasn't able to go to the lunch cos he was getting our car serviced. (Following this so far?) Tanner and Maria (who used to work for the Inc) were also in town, so it was a grand all-encompassing lunch. I was at the BD meeting in the morning so I enrolled Lily to help organise it. The plan was that everyone should be at the restaurant at 11:50 and she would bring Joni over at 12:00.

Joni had asked me if it was okay if she went for lunch at 12 (I have to cover the phones at lunchtime), so I was trying to phone her before I headed over to say "just put the phones through" but she wasn't there, so I just had to go. Apparently she wouldn't leave the desk when she couldn't get hold of me! The girls bringing her over had to lie, cajole and then drag her away. What dedication!!

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