Sunday 20 July 2008

Lazy day

I ran away from work about 1:45 on Friday as I had a long overdue appointment to get my hair cut and tinted back to its (at one time) natural colour. It was a lovely day and I had a few places on King St that I needed to pop into, so I decided to walk along. I was wearing jeans - BAD decision! When you're in air conditioning all the time you forget just how warm it is outside... It was 93F outside and very humid. By the time I got home I had to peel the jeans off my sweaty little legs, pull on a cotton sundress and stand Marilyn Monroe style beside the a/c vent!! I am off on the hunt today for some loose clothing, as well as a frock for the do on Wednesday.

Stephen got home yesterday and is gasping in the heat and humidity. California is seemingly much cooler and a whole lot less humid! I went out for a walk in the morning - along to King to stop in at Firehook for a Morning Glory muffin (and they are truly glorious!) and a Starbucks latte. I headed over to the marina for a seat so I could scoff them, and had to leave after about 10 minutes as the sun was beating down on me and even at 9:30 it was too hot for comfort. I had a sweaty butt - not lovely!! I wandered home and had a very lazy day watching movies and finishing up my book.

On the subject of books, Hils had recommended Only in America by Matt Frei as a good read. He's the BBC's correspondent in DC, and presents the BBC America news programme (so not unknown here). I popped into Books a Million, couldn't find it on the shelves and so asked one of the assistants to look it up for me. After a few minutes of me spelling his name and her looking confused she told me she couldn't find it, by author or title. I put this down to the shop being possibly the worst bookshop in the world and the assistant being the DC equivalent of a Valley Girl..."Its, like, not showing up on the system, like, I totally can't find it". But, Bad Kerry for thinking that, it turns outs its an import. I checked on Amazon (both UK and US). The difference in the reviews in the two countries was marked! The UK loved it for its insight and humour. The one review on the US site hated it for its "European bias about America" and said that "You would not know from this book that America is a richer nation than Great Britain or that its citizens have a higher standard of living". There were a couple of used copies available on the US site, but I guessed it the review was typical of the feeling about the book then the used copies would probably have been spat on, so I ordered it from the UK site. I am looking forward to reading it very much!

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